CL Hurlburt

CL Hurlburt's Fundraiser

We can provide access to music education to all students! image

We can provide access to music education to all students!

This giving season, give students the gift of music.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$0 towards $1,000

Every year, I'm more amazed by the impact of Give a Note Foundation. In just the first 5 years since its founding Give a Note has worked with major partners like Radio Disney, CMA Foundation, and 21st Century Fox to provide $1.2 million to more than 45K students!

Did you know: 20 people giving $50 each can fund one school's music program for a year?

Give a Note understands every music educator's needs are different, and being empowered to decide what's best for their program through a monetary grant, rather than material goods that may not meet their needs that school year, is the best way to support music.

Please give as you're able and spread the word about this fundraiser -- and start a fundraiser for Give a Note as well! Because Music Ed Matters.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for the Give a Note Foundation Music Ed Matters Campaign!